Performing Arts School
Education & Youth Programs
Saturday Education Classes
Classes are open to students currently enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade.
Payment for classes must be made, in full, before the start of each semester.
MCT reserves the right to cancel or combine classes that do not meet the required enrollment.
Partial scholarships are available by contacting the MCT office.
There are no refunds available once classes have begun.
Registrations will end after the first class of each session.
Share Days will take place on the final class day of each session. Families are welcome to attend a short presentation by each class.

Fall Term: October 12 - November 16
Winter Term: February 15 - March 22
Spring Term: April 12- May 17

Novice Acting
Grades K–1
9:00 am–10:00 am $75
Jump in to the magical world of theater! Novice Acting will focus on the very basics of theater through fun lessons, games, and activities. Curriculum is centered around helping students in Kindergarten and first grade find their voice and using it to tell a story.

Apprentice Acting
Grades 2–3
10:30 am–11:30 am $75
Students in Second and Third grade will have the opportunity to build on their acting skills. Lessons and activities will focus on blocking, reading with feeling, and projection.

Journeyman Acting
Grades 4–6
11:00 am–12:00 pm $75
Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth grade students will work to master memorization skills, creating a character, and making stage appropriate choices.

Virtuoso Acting
Grades 7–12
11:00 am–12:00 pm $75
Both beginner and returning students in seventh through twelfth grade will discover exciting ways to bring characters to life! Students will be able to create characters, blocking, and scene choices with the supervision of the instructor.
Showstopping Elective Opportunities
Introduction To Musical Theatre
Dive in to the magical world of musical theatre in this new class! Students will add to their basic dance, acting, and vocal skills while exploring more advanced techniques.
Grades 4 - 8 10:00 am–11:00 am
Performance Lab
Continue developing your performance skills in this performance-based class! Build on what you know and take your talent to the next level! This class has additional rehearsals and performances outside of the normal Saturday class time. Please check your calendar before committing to participation.
Tech Week - December 2-5
Performances - December 6 & 7
Grades 6 - 12 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
2024 FOOTLIGHTS FUN CAMP Registration
Buy your tickets online!