We Love Volunteers
We (Volunteers) are Muskegon Civic Theatre!
Ways You Can Help.
Muskegon Civic Theatre would not be able to produce entertaining and engaging shows without volunteer help. If you’re looking for a way to get involved in our community, check out all the ways you can volunteer with us.

On Stage
Actors – From the novice, the new to our stage, or the most seasoned actor, all are welcome to audition.
Behind The Scenes
Volunteers will be working under the guidance and direction of artistic staff.
More Opportunities
Technical Support
Set Construction/Painting
Volunteers help build, repair, paint, and tear down sets Daytime and night hours are available.
We need people who are available throughout the entire run of a show. Some jobs can be shared with another person, and some require that you are there every performance and throughout tech week prior to the show opening. This is a job that requires a strong commitment, and the ability to follow a script.
This position is part of the stage crew. Properties are all of the set dressings and small articles used in a production. Time commitment is the full run of the show plus tech week and some rehearsals.
Volunteers are instrumental in sewing costumes, as well as putting finishing touches on projects. Time requirements vary with each show, but hours are flexible with personal schedules.
Stagehands/Running Crew
Each show requires people working back stage to make things happen correctly on stage. Responsibilities range from cleaning before a performance, preparing the set, coordinating special effects, Fly operation, and moving set pieces

What we do
Other Volunteer Opportunities
Business Office
Volunteers are often needed to assist in data entry, filing and general office work. Times and commitment lengths vary, but daytime hours only.
Volunteers are regularly needed to assist with special events, such as Back Stage Passes, cast parties and technical lunches.
Stage Managers and Assistant Directors
This is a great opportunity to work closely with the Director of a show. Attendance at all rehearsals is required. Previous acting or directing experience is a plus.
To Volunteer or get more information on how you can be involved, please provide us with some information.
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